The Idea

Creating your first web project

Posted by Billy on March 18, 2021

The idea for a project could be a hot topic. Very often I see people, who cannot execute an idea by themselves, value an idea very high. It’s not uncommon for “these people” to offer a 70/30 split in their favor for you (as a developer) to build their product.

I think an idea is pretty much worthless until it’s executed and data can tell you wether or not it’s a product market fit (someone would use, and hopefully pay to use, your product). Remeber, data is key!

Let’s say that you have an idea, and you would like to make it into a reality. Where do you start?

This is basically what I do, it doesn’t have to be overambitious.

Write down the following:

  • a short brief what the idea is all about
  • who’s it for?
  • what problem does it solve?

Unless you know who will use the product and what problem you solve it’s hard to find product market fit (this article describe it in a good way ) and you’ll potentially spend a lot of time building on something thay you have to kill eventually.

It’s that easy!